Dual Lab : Wood and Metal Craftsmen

Long time friends, almost brothers, and now partners in business: this is happening in Genoa. They are so busy that it is difficult to sit them for an interview. When the time finally  comes, it is very interesting to hear them talking. Gabriel Oddone and Raul Peyrou have started Dual, a lab where they design and build furniture using wood and iron.

After school, several working experiences (few of them a little disappointing ) and some travels, they decided to put together Gabriel’s passion for design and wood and Raul’s love for iron: the result is a team where both of them have not only a  voice but also respect for each other’s idea.

During these difficult times with Covid, people were able to spend more time at home and move on with those projects that were always postponed: that why they are so busy!


For now, most of their projects are orders from clients to realize custom made pieces. New clients come thanks to spreading the word but they hope in the future to be able to design and realize pieces and sell them online.Their goals are to use wood and iron together, mix design and funcionality, enhance the materials they are using.

Being a young craftsman nowadays is not easy: you have to like what you are doing, do some sacrifices, face difficulties coming also from a lot of bureaucracy but with very  little economical helps, not being afraid to make mistakes and start over, be indipendent and be informed. Gabriel and Raul were lucky enough to receive help from older craftsmen,  more open now to share their knowledge and experience than in the past.

To be successful you need not only to be the best in what you are doing, but you need also to be able to promote your products using your knowledge and be able to share your experience with other people.

Many different aspects, all very important: without them it would be difficult to be successful. 

DUAL LAB. Quartiere Marassi Genova
Tel. 329 4482094
Info dualdesignlab@gmail.com