La storia del mosaico rivive con Giada a Borgo Campidoglio

“My interest for mosaic started very casually.” Giada is telling us  her story: she is originally from the Friuli region, arrived in Torino for love,  started 5 years ago atelier BB mosaici in Via Balme 32 in the Borgo Campidoglio area. “Almost 15 years ago I was apprentice in a mosaic lab in Friuli, I always loved to create things using my hands. After 3 years, I left my first job and I went to work for a bigger and more famous mosaic lab in Spilimbergo. There the owner suggested me to attend a professional school which I did: it is the only one in Italy specialized in mosaic. Once I finished the school with a degree, I went back to work in the first lab for a while and then I moved to Torino. While looking for the right place in a Torino, I  discovered Borgo Campidoglio first and later the perfect space to open my lab.” Giada works mostly on commission for private clients: from mosaic to custom jewels, from the renovation of an old piece to portraits, her skills and her fantasy have no limits.

She loves her job and being an artisan but she thinks that there is too much bureaucracy and not enough support from the government, especially if you compare the actual situation with 30 years ago. Giada uses Facebook, Instagram and her website, where she wants to improve the shopping section to promote her business.

She is skeptical about the support from other artisans: behind a friendly superficial relationship, she doesn’t think there is anything more. Only once, through Instagram, she was able to connect on a deeper professional level with a turner in Trento. Before COVID, in her lab she was holding classes for kids and adults: from individual classes, she was able to teach up to 4 students at a time. For sure you cannot learn mosaic online.

There has been an evolution also in mosaic world: now she is also using wood, iron and paper beside the classic materials. For a rug she made for “Paratissima” she even used tar. The only problem are the costs: they are very high, people ignore how expensive can be to create and realize a mosaic. Every piece is unique and you cannot replicate it: that is also why her job is so unique.

BB MOSAICI – Atelier di mosaico
Via Balme 32b Torino